Although it's been some time already, but i would still want to type it out.. There were once i've been to ite simei. And at that time, only the four of us been there. There were three guys and a girl. We were there for the conference talk. What i did while teabreak. I really don't know what to comment myself but i made my three friends really tired of looking for me everywhere at ite simei. I just couldn't forget that i was suffering from some sort of emotion problem that just wanted to be alone so much! As well peace.. And felt like crying too.. I can't forget that day.. I just gone disappeared.. In the end i appeared infront of them when i want to. Because i just don't feel good or any..
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Time passes so fast.. As we are graduating on march soon.. I would like to thank my these friends who dun mind me staying with them in the for all these while. I really had a great time enjoying playing with them so much. =) I would hope that i will have a good relationship with them as well as good friendship also. Although i am the only girl who always enter for only a few months and stayed quite late after i addicted to the game Dota. Haha! But most importantly, i'm happy. And that's what i want only. I will miss the days we had. =)
Posted by
Alice Lim
10:52 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
As time passes, many thoughts in mind. Thinking many things i done since enter ITE. Yes, at first i would like to study Electronics, first the basics, but what am i suppose to choose for my sec year education? Oh gosh.. There are three choices in this institute. The three choices are, Wafer fabrication, Wireless, and Computer & networking. At first i couldn't make a choice. The reason was, Wafer Fabrication, will be touching lots of chemical stuff as my skin could not take it. Wireless, no interest in it. Computer & Networking, Maybe that's the course i wanna try it out. But unfortunately, i heard my CA told us that, Computer & Networking, there won't be many people choosing this course unless there are at least 10 students then they will conduct this course otherwise it's a low chance to get in. So, got no choice i chose Wireless if not, it will be random. Meaning, you may get into either Wafer or Wireless course. Like i said, not many people want to take this course. I forgot what's the reason already but never mind. Now, graduating soon.. What to do? Am i going to continue Higher Nitec courses? Or should i enter poly? Start thinking already.... No answer yet. Although i dun have a dream.. But at least, i do have a Goal now right? Hees.. 18 years living in Singapore, So what am i gonna do in the 19th year? More thoughts coming to my mind. I think i have a plan for now.. Now i might understand i would like to study something got to do with life. Not sure how to describe or explain. But i may not want to study Electronics.. So probably going to poly.. Is that my thoughts?
Posted by
Alice Lim
12:59 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
It was my very first time playing RPG game. That was when i was feeling too bored doing nothing, so i try playing Final Fantasy 3. I tried to play it carefully. As, RPG game needs to do with alot of reading. And so, i completed! YeaH! Haha! CooL! My very first time playing Final Fantasy game as well! Ahem!.. "I'm noisy" Overall.. It's a CooL game! ^-^
Posted by
Alice Lim
4:25 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I am glad that people appreciate my help. It's also my pleasure to help them too! =) But not everyone i would help them. I'll see the situation, and sometimes i would also depends my mood. So, can say that i am a quite complicated person. I felt that, if i've no mood for everything, it's really meaningless to do it. People might felt that either i'm not concern of that thing, or maybe i'm only forcing myself thats all and somehow will also affect other people's mood. Anyway i'm just a person who tries to help others and also myself as well. I do train myself to be a better person. I'll keep going. Try not to tensed, not to give myself stress. By the way, whatever i do, i only do whatever i can.
Posted by
Alice Lim
5:31 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Yesterday i've lot's of fun playing with the guys. As usual. Hmm... I enjoyed playing with my friends of course! =) Well.. Although i'm a very lag person, always took a few seconds to act after they command me, but i tried to "pei he" them. I used to choose different characters as in "Heros", i may not know how to use them. Each time i choose, i finally found a Hero that i know how to control! Hehex! And this Hero's name is called the Tidehunter. It can be describe as Hard Skin. No problem when handling those mini enermies. So, i'll help wherever any places been attacked in, i'll go help out. Run everywhere. Hahax! Anyway this Tidehunter, is belong to the top houses, the Scourge. And if the first player dun happens to activate the top houses, i won't be able to choose the Heros. Normally, we choose the map which labels team 1 and team 2. Team 1 is the Sentinal, and team 2 is the Scourge. Yup and of course we're from the Sentinal team! Unless over 5 people playing, either some of us choose team 1 or 2. And the Scourge is always on the top right hand corner of the map. Oh! And by the way, this game usually people always said "Dota" The "Warcraft" game, but i think it's also part of "Dota" game. When i reached home, I felt exhausted, maybe i keep screaming and shouting on top of my voice so that's the reason why i'm feeling exhausted. It means, the game was really exciting! Oops.. Hee.. And so that's why i update my blog today! =)
Posted by
Alice Lim
12:40 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I am feeling moody now. After what happened yesterday. Actually just a minor thing, a small matter only. Hmm.. Well.. I dun have PE lesson and after my lunch, i went to That was early at that time at 11+. So, i chosed the first com. Later, chin lun and the guys came in. What happened next? Chin lun hold on the chair which i was sitting at and spin me around hope i can give the seat to him, yeah? What the.. Made me feel so dizzy after that and made me feel annoyed decided to shaked him just to let him feel how it's that feeling. I was so tired yesterday and fell asleep at around 7+ until this morning woke up around 8am. I was feeling okay at first after that it reminds me what yesterday and makes me feel moody already. Dun feel like talking much, not like the usual me who always talk non-stop. Thinking.. Maybe i'm in the wrong that i didn't give the seat to chin lun, if not i won't feel so down already. I was thinking i'm doing some sort of silly, stupid, and childish thing.
Posted by
Alice Lim
11:38 AM